A newborn goes through a period of rapid adjustment from fetal life to life outside the womb. A child born with cleft lip and/or palate can have great difficulty making this adjustment.The transition into the world can be successful with the help of many people.

Children with clefts may have multiple problems which require different specialists during the course of treatment. Many hospitals throughout the country have established cleft teams for this purpose. In such a team, all the specialists work together to meet the needs of a growing child with a cleft. The team approach provides a broad perspective of the child which includes the family, social, emotional, psychological, and educational needs.

The health care providers who frequently participate in a cleft palate team include:
  1. Audiologist
  2. Ear, Nose, Throat surgeon
  3. Geneticist
  4. Neurosurgeon
  5. Nurse
  6. Pediatric dentist Orthodontist/ Prosthodontist/ Maxillofacial surgeon
  7. Pediatrician
  8. Plastic surgeon
  9. Social worker / Psychologist
  10. Speech and language pathologist
Sequence of surgical procedures:
Technogent, LLC
Operation Smile

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