cleft palate

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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cleft palate

Postby adopting » Mon Dec 28, 1998 8:39 am

We are contemplating international adoption of a 9-month old
baby with cleft palate only and not cleft lip. Wondering how
common this is, and what experiences are like with cleft palate
only. Thanks.

Re: cleft palate

Postby Anonymous » Sat Jan 02, 1999 4:44 pm

Our daughter had a cleft of the soft palate only. Even though
her birth defect was minimal the first plastic surgeon we went to
told that a cleft child was a twenty year commitment. She had her
palate repaired at a year old and will have a second surgery in
March and she is five.

Good luck and lots of prayers on your decision.

Re: cleft palate

Postby Andrea » Wed Jan 06, 1999 12:51 pm

My daughter is 7mos and has a cleft palate that involves the
soft as well as some of the hard. Her biggest problem in the
beginning was staying awake during her feedings, however at 7mos
that is not a problem. She drinks from a haberman nipple and also
eats from a spoon. She has no problems eating at all. She caught
on to the spoon very quickly with no problems. She is a normal
heathly baby in every area and unless I tell people or they
notice her bottle is different, you can't tell that she has any
problems. She will be having her surgery next month, so, that
will be a new experience for us.

Re: cleft palate

Postby Roz » Tue Jan 19, 1999 10:51 pm

My daughter is almost 10 years old and was born with a cleft
of the palate only. From my own experience, other than her having
two surgeries and a few more dentist appointments, raising her
has been absolutely no different than raising my other two
children. The only difference is their personalities and all
children that are born have their own persona strengths and
struggles. I don't want to make light of the condition but it is
very manageable and after experiencing motherhood with a child
born with a cleft palate it wouldn't interfere with any adoption

Hope this helps.

Re: cleft palate

Postby mahmoud el farra » Sun Nov 14, 1999 2:41 pm

i pray to god that she ll be in good condition after surgery
mahmoud el farra

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