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Cleft Palate Surgery

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 1997 8:25 pm
by Asif Zaidi
I have a cleft palate . My only concern is that people need to
be made more aware of this condition. I faced a really tough time
during my teens and although i have a B.S in mechanical and M.S
in Industrial Engineering, Still finds it hard to accept myself
as I am. I have had cleft palate surgery and facial surgery but I
am still not satisfied with it.

One thing for families and people with cleft palate ,don't
ever give up on your child. Continue to give them support and
love because they need it all the time. If anybody needs to
contact me, my email is

Re: Cleft Palate Surgery

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 1998 1:38 pm
by am
Asif, I KNOW what you mean by having a tough time with this.
It took me almost all of my 31 years to come to terms with the
fact that my "outside" appearance may never reflect the
person I am on the inside. Pity that society does not practice
what it preaches: "Beauty is only skin deep",
"It's what is on the inside that counts", ect... I
would like to share more thoughts if you would like to
correspond. I am at Take care. AM