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Stuffy nose.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:17 pm
by scaredmother
Ever since Andrew had his palate repaired he's had a stuffy nose. At first I figured that it was just due to surgery, but now it's been a weak and it's still stuffy. I asked his PS yesterday about and all he really had to say was that is because he's (His body) not used to having both a nose and a mouth. I've tried putting a vaporizer in is room with the medicated liquid, I tried the baby Vick's on his chest, and even sucked out his nose over a dozen times. Nothing seems to help. Have any of you gone through this and if so what have you done to try and fix it? I know having a stuffy/runny nose is part of being a kid, but he has such a hard time sleeping. I try to keep him elevated, or on his side. Even had him sleep in his swing. None of which helps much. We need sleep. Help!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:46 pm
by heather
Eyson had the stuffy nose after his palate surgery. His PS said that it was due to all the swelling. It seemed to last about a week and a half and after that everyday was a little better. The swelling just needs time to go down. In the meantime, elevate his mattress when he sleeps and just try to make him as comfortable as possible.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:20 pm
by Babyk
Avery is having the same issue...but after just the lip/nose repair. We cannot believe the amount of stuff we are suctioning out multiple times daily!

I guess it is nice to hear that this is 'normal' but how long does it last? Avery had his surgery January 14th.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:13 am
by Linda S S
My sister was told that my niece would sound different (hoarse/stuffy) for about a week after her UCL surgery due to the anesthesia and due to having the tube down her throat.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:34 pm
by jacksmom
Jackson had the same problem after his palate repair. Our PS gave us some decongestant nose drops to use a couple of times a day. I mainly used them at night to help him sleep better. It lasted about a week and a half, and then he was fine. Glad to hear that other than that, he is doing well!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:07 am
by rainhawk
my son Devon had his palate repaired January 10th 2008. he is now 12mo and 3 weeks. He did not sleep well either for the first 2 weeks. I caught a cold while at the hospital with him, and gave it to him. Poor kid couldn't sleep between the nose discharge, stuffiness, arm splints, and teething. I was driving him to sleep for every nap. After 2-3 weeks I finally just let him cry it out in the crib, for he wouldn't stay asleep after bringing him in from the truck. One thing I do keep up is the Hyland's teething tablets- they seem to help. I also double his diaper at night, and I have a radiator heater that i kitty cornered behind his bed, for the central heating wakes him up whenever It turns on. I have also stoped putting on his arm splints at night when I give him a bottle to put him to sleep. I do put them on if he doesn't fall asleep to the bottle.